“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains.  What I’m after is to restore each person

to their human dignity"   Moshe Feldenkrais



Photos by Rosalie O'Connor

The following are registered service marks, trademarks, collective marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness

Through Movement®, ATM®, Functional Integration®, FI®, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®, and The Feldenkrais Guild®. The following are trademarks, service marks or certification

marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: L'intégration fonctionnelleSM, Prise de conscience par le mouvementSM, Friends Of FeldenkraisSM, Guild Certified Feldenkrais

PractitionerCM, Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement TeacherCM, FeldenkraisTM and The Feldenkrais JournalTM.

                 Acknowledgements and Appreciation  of My Master Teachers, Moshe Feldenkrais and B.K.S. Iyengar and

                      my many wonderful teachers* 

                   Yoga:  Anna Golfinopoulos, Michael Morphis, Wendy Baranello, Maria Sobkow, Alison West, Elise Miller, Marcela Clavejo, Mary Dunne,

                    Kofi Busia, Ramanand Patel, Kevin Gardiner, Norma Colon, Sarah Perron, Julie Brandwein, Richard Jonas, Judith Lassiter, Gabriella Giulbilaro, et al

                   Feldenkrais Method®:  Larry Goldfarb, Ph.D., Educational Director-Mind in Motion, Olena Nitefor, Katrin Smithbach, Arlyn Zones, Paul Newton,

                   Donna Blank, Lily Zwyns, Maxine Davis, Alan Questel, Russell Delman, Jeff Haller, Denis Leri, David Zemach Berson, Marek Wyszynski, Mary Spire, 

                   Debra Bowes, Anastasi Siotis, et al

                    Ruthy Alon, Sr. Trainer of the Feldenkrais Method®, Creator of Movement Intelligence®, Bones for LIfe®, Walk for Life®,  Eating for Life®,  


Rachel Potasznik, Founder

Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner and Certified Yoga Teacher



         I founded the BetterBodyLab to teach Awareness Through Movement® classes, provide

individual (Functional Integration®) lessons and to help yoga students improve and refine

their yoga practices.

          A shoulder injury led me to  seek a non-surgical solution and I gratefully discovered the Feldenkrais Method®.  The Method changed my life and gave me the tools to heal myself-to 

practice yoga, dance, swim and function in everyday life in an easier, healthier way.  

After a four year training program I became a Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner. 

 I am also a  Bones for Life® teacher- taught by its brilliant creator Ruthy Alon as well as a

certified teacher of yoga for scoliosis -taught by  Senior Iyengar yoga teacher Elise Miller.

       As an  active person who has always danced and loved all types of movement, I  have 

practiced yoga in the Iyengar tradition for over 25 years and am a certified yoga teacher.  

I am  grateful for the many wonderful teachers I have studied with  and continue to have the

privilege of studying with.*  The Feldenkrais Method® enriched and deepened my yoga practice

and teaching and I continue to learn and participate in many advanced trainings.   As a  world

traveler for many years, my interior journey has been an equally exciting  exploration and

where I make new discoveries on a regular basis.

       I am passionate about learning as the greatest adventure and would love to share my 

discoveries with you; to guide you to greater awareness; to empower you to move with ease

and pleasure and to have more fun and joy in life!